Storage and Firmware Retrieval Solution on AWS

Storage and Firmware Retrieval Solution on AWS


Maritime Mobility


Develop an application, integrated with a device, supporting efficient cloud storage and seamless firmware updates.

Outcome: successfully integrated cloud-based functionalities into the companion application, allowing for seamless interactions with AWS.

DEVELOPING THE STRATEGY adapted its development strategy to tackle the inherent challenges of the project scope.

​Challenge #1

Efficiently managing multipart uploads for data, and consequently swift retrieval of data listings as well as actual data.

Challenge #2

Immediate firmware version checks and subsequent updates for the connected device.

Challenge #3

Secure and safeguarded user authentication before accessing of application, alongside secure strong of data and firmware on the cloud.


A comprehensive AWS architecture was devised, utilizing S3 for storage, Lambda functions for operations, AWS Cognito for user authentication, and the API Gateway to integrate everything with the application.

Tech Stack Implemented:

Programming language: Python
Protocols: HTTPS
Cloud Services: AWS API Gateway, AWS Cognito, AWS Lambda, AWS S3 bucket, AWS CloudWatch, AWS SES


Five AWS Lambda functions were created, each with a specific role, from multipart data uploads (split across three functions) to data retrieval, firmware version checks, and firmware retrieval. By integrating these functions with the AWS API Gateway, a set of robust APIs were developed, allowing the app seamless interaction with the S3 buckets.

The integration of AWS Cognito facilitated secure user login and authentication. The API Gateway, equipped to authenticate using ID tokens from Cognito, provided a secure bridge for the app to interact with the necessary AWS services.


By the end of development and integration, was successful in satisfying the client’s requirements.

Outcome #1

Streamlined user authentication via AWS Cognito, as well as enhanced security with integrated user management.

Outcome #2

Efficient data uploads and retrievals, alongside data management and firmware updates.

Outcome #3

Development of a robust foundation for IoT integrations and expansions, with optimal performance with high potential of feature enhancements.
